message; $chat_id = $message->chat->id; $from_id = $message->from->id; $name = $message->from->first_name; $text = $message->text; $mid = $message->message_id; $name2 = $update->callback_query->from->first_name; $message_id2 = $update->callback_query->message->message_id; $chat_id2 = $update->callback_query->message->chat->id; $from_id2 = $update->callback_query->from->id; $message_id = $update->callback_query->message->message_id; $data = $update->callback_query->data; $i_BRK = $admin; $x_BRK = file_get_contents("x_BRK.txt"); $x_BRK0 = file_get_contents("x_BRK0.txt"); $x_BRK1= file_get_contents("x_BRK1.txt"); $x_BRK5 = file_get_contents("x_BRK2.txt"); $x_BRK6 = file_get_contents("x_BRK3.txt"); $x_BRK20 = json_decode(file_get_contents( php://input )); $x_BRK18 = $update->message; $chat_id = $x_BRK18->chat->id; $text = $x_BRK18->text; $data = $x_BRK20->callback_query->data; $x_BRK12 = $x_BRK20->callback_query->message->chat->id; $x_BRK14 = $x_BRK20->callback_query->message->message_id; $x_BRK15 = $x_BRK18->from->first_name; $x_BRK16 = $x_BRK18->from->username; $x_BRK11 = $x_BRK18->from->id; $x_BRK2 = explode("\n",file_get_contents("x_BRK4.txt")); $x_BRK3 = count($x_BRK2)-1; if ($x_BRK18 && !in_array($x_BRK11, $x_BRK2)) { file_put_contents("x_BRK4.txt", $x_BRK11."\n",FILE_APPEND); } $x_BRK9 = file_get_contents("".API_KEY."/getChatMember?chat_id=$x_BRK0&user_id=".$x_BRK11); $x_BRK10 = file_get_contents("".API_KEY."/getChatMember?chat_id=$x_BRK1&user_id=".$x_BRK11); if($x_BRK18 && (strpos($x_BRK9, "status":"left" ) or strpos($x_BRK9, "Bad Request: USER_ID_INVALID" ) or strpos($x_BRK9, "status":"kicked" ) or strpos($x_BRK10, "status":"left" ) or strpos($x_BRK10, "Bad Request: USER_ID_INVALID" ) or strpos($x_BRK10, "status":"kicked" ))!== false){ bot( sendMessage , [ chat_id =>$chat_id, text =>"- عذرا عزيزي يجب عليك الاشتراك في قناة البوت اولا $x_BRK0 $x_BRK1", ]);return false;} if($text == "/start" and $x_BRK11 == $admin){ bot("sendmessage",[ "chat_id"=>$chat_id, "text"=> - اهلا بك في قائمة اوامر الادمن , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - قناة الاشتراك الاجباري الاولى , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - وضع قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK0"],[ text => - حذف قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK1"]], [[ text => قناة الاشتراك الاجباري الثانيه , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - وضع قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK2"],[ text => - حذف قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK3"]], [[ text => - - عرض قنوات الاشتراك الاجباري , callback_data =>"x_BRK4"]], [[ text => - قائمة الاذاعه , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - اذاعه بلتوجيه , callback_data =>"x_BRK5"],[ text => - اذاعة نص , callback_data =>"x_BRK6"]], [[ text => - عدد المشتركين , callback_data =>"x_BRK7"]], [[ text => - التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - تفعيل التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK11"],[ text => - تعطيل التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK12"]], [[ text => - احصائيات البوت , callback_data =>"status"]], ] ]) ]); } if($data == "x_BRK" ){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, "text"=> - اهلا بك في قائمة اوامر الادمن , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - قناة الاشتراك الاجباري الاولى , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - وضع قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK0"],[ text => - حذف قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK1"]], [[ text => قناة الاشتراك الاجباري الثانيه , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - وضع قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK2"],[ text => - حذف قناة , callback_data =>"x_BRK3"]], [[ text => - - عرض قنوات الاشتراك الاجباري , callback_data =>"x_BRK4"]], [[ text => - قائمة الاذاعه , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - اذاعه بلتوجيه , callback_data =>"x_BRK5"],[ text => - اذاعة نص , callback_data =>"x_BRK6"]], [[ text => - عدد المشتركين , callback_data =>"x_BRK7"]], [[ text => - التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], [[ text => - تفعيل التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK11"],[ text => - تعطيل التواصل , callback_data =>"x_BRK12"]], [[ text => - احصائيات البوت , callback_data =>"status"]], ] ]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK0"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - ارسل معرف القناة الاولى , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - الغاء , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK.txt","x_BRK0"); } if($text and $x_BRK == "x_BRK0" and $x_BRK11 == $i_BRK){ bot("sendmessage",[ "chat_id"=>$chat_id, "text"=>"- تم حفظ $text كقناة اولى للاشتراك الاجباري - تأكد من رفع البوت ادمن بلقناة" , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK0.txt","$text"); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK1"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - تم حذف القناة الاولى , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); unlink("x_BRK0.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK2"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - ارسل معرف القناة الثانيه , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - الغاء , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK.txt","x_BRK1"); } if($text and $x_BRK == "x_BRK1" and $x_BRK11 == $i_BRK){ bot("sendmessage",[ "chat_id"=>$chat_id, "text"=>"- تم حفظ $text كقناة ثانيه للاشتراك الاجباري - تأكد من رفع البوت ادمن بلقناة" , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK1.txt","$text"); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK3"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - تم حذف القناة الثانيه , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); unlink("x_BRK1.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK4"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text =>"- هذه هي قائمة قنوات الاتشراك الاجباري 1 => $x_BRK0 - - - - - 2 => $x_BRK1", reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK5"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - ارسل الرساله ليتم توجيهها لجميع المشتركين , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - الغاء , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK.txt","x_BRK2"); } if($x_BRK18 and $x_BRK == "x_BRK2" and $x_BRK11 == $i_BRK){ bot("sendmessage",[ "chat_id"=>$chat_id, "text"=>"- تم توجيه الرساله ل$x_BRK3 مشترك", reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); for($i=0;$i$x_BRK2[$i], from_chat_id =>$x_BRK11, message_id =>$x_BRK18->message_id ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } } if($data == "x_BRK6"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - ارسل النص الان ليتم نشره لجميع المشتركين , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - الغاء , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK.txt","x_BRK3"); } if($text and $x_BRK == "x_BRK3" and $x_BRK11 == $i_BRK){ bot("sendmessage",[ "chat_id"=>$chat_id, "text"=>"- تم نشر رسالتك ل$x_BRK3 مشترك" , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); for($i=0;$i$x_BRK2[$i], text =>$text ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } } if($data == "x_BRK7"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text =>"- عدد مشتركين البوت $x_BRK3", reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); } if($data == "x_BRK11"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - تم تفعيل التواصل , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); file_put_contents("x_BRK3.txt","x_BRK"); } if($x_BRK18 and $x_BRK6 == "x_BRK" and $x_BRK11 != $i_BRK){ bot( forwardMessage , [ chat_id =>$i_BRK, from_chat_id =>$x_BRK11, message_id =>$x_BRK18->message_id ]); } if($x_BRK18 and $x_BRK6 == "x_BRK" and $x_BRK11 == $i_BRK){ bot( sendMessage ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK18->reply_to_message->forward_from->id, text =>$text, ]); } if($data == "x_BRK12"){ bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$x_BRK12, message_id =>$x_BRK14, text => - تم تعطيل التواصل , reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => - رجوع , callback_data =>"x_BRK"]], ]]) ]); unlink("x_BRK.txt"); unlink("x_BRK3.txt"); } $codes = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0 ]; $code1 = array_rand($codes,1); $code2 = array_rand($codes,1); $code3 = array_rand($codes,1); $code4 = array_rand($codes,1); $code5 = array_rand($codes,1); $code6 = array_rand($codes,1); $bcode1 = $codes[$code1]; $bcode2 = $codes[$code2]; $bcode3 = $codes[$code3]; $bcode4 = $codes[$code4]; $bcode5 = $codes[$code5]; $bcode6 = $codes[$code6]; $hunteru = "$bcode1$bcode2$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5$bcode6$bcode1$bcode2$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5"; $hunter = "$bcode1$bcode2$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5$bcode6$bcode1$bcode2$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5$bcode3$bcode4$bcode5$bcode5"; if($text == "/start"){ file_put_contents($chat_id, ); bot( sendMessage ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id, text =>"مرحبا بك في بوت تخمين كروت شحن جميع الشبكات 🤍", parse_mode =>"markdown", disable_web_page_preview =>true, reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => نوع خطك 🔥 , callback_data => hunter ]], [[ text => 𓆩ÂĿⴅÂ$ƚЄR❤️𓆪 , url => ]], [[ text => 𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑℡ ̇༗ . , url => ]], ], ]) ]); } if($data == hunter ){ file_put_contents($chat_id2, ); bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id2, message_id =>$message_id2, text =>"مرحبا بك في صفحه التخمين🤍 🤍يرجي اختيار نوع خطك", parse_mode =>"markdown", disable_web_page_preview =>true, reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => فودافون🔥 , callback_data => hunter1 ]], [[ text => اتصالات🔥 , callback_data => ahmed ]], [[ text => اورنج🔥 , callback_data => ahemd ]], ], ]) ]); } if($data == hunter1 ){ file_put_contents($chat_id2, ); bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id2, message_id =>$message_id2, text =>"تم صنع الكارت بنجاح 💳\n الكارت =>`*858*$hunteru#` نوع الكارت فودافون 🔥", parse_mode =>"markdown", disable_web_page_preview =>true, reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => تخمين مره اخري 🦇 , callback_data => hunter1 ]], [[ text => رجوع 📥 , callback_data => hunter ]], ], ]) ]); } if($data == ahmed ){ file_put_contents($chat_id2, ); bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id2, message_id =>$message_id2, text =>"تم صنع الكارت بنجاح 💳\n الكارت => `*556*$hunteru` نوع الكارت اتصالات 🔥", parse_mode =>"markdown", disable_web_page_preview =>true, reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => تخمين مره اخري 🦇 , callback_data => ahmed ]], [[ text => رجوع 📥 , callback_data => hunter ]], ], ]) ]); } if($data == ahemd ){ file_put_contents($chat_id2, ); bot( EditMessageText ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id2, message_id =>$message_id2, text =>"تم صنع الكارت بنجاح 💳\n الكارت => `*102*$hunteru#` نوع الكارت اورنج 🔥 ", parse_mode =>"markdown", disable_web_page_preview =>true, reply_markup =>json_encode([ inline_keyboard =>[ [[ text => تخمين مره اخري 🦇 , callback_data => ahemd ]], [[ text => رجوع 📥 , callback_data => hunter ]], ], ]) ]); } if($text == "/start" ){ Bot( SendMessage ,[ chat_id =>$chat_id, text =>"تيم الماستر وهنتر موجودن لمساعده لا تقلق 🤍 [𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐇 𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑℡ ̇༗]( [𓆩ÂĿⴅÂSƚЄR❤️𓆪](", parse_mode =>"Markdown", ]); }